Cryoperm 10®
Cryogenic Magnetic Shielding
Cryoperm 10 is a specialized magnetic shielding material designed for low temperature magnetic shielding applications in a liquid helium (4.2°K) or liquid nitrogen (77°K) environment. The shielding material retains its optimal shielding performance at these low temperatures after a special annealing process is performed.
What applications is Cryoperm 10 used in?
Typical applications that Cryoperm 10 magnetic shielding material is used on is, Cryomodules, SQUIDS, DEWARS, Cryostats & SRF Cavities.
Cryoperm 10 Material Availability
Ad-Vance Magnetics keeps inventory of Cryoperm 10 in .040” thick Sheets. Standard sheet sizes are 12”-13.5” x 118” in length. The Cryoperm 10 material can also be provided in coil form and other thicknesses are available, but will require a mill run to produce.
Fabricating from Cryoperm 10.
Cryoperm 10 magnetic shielding material cuts & forms like any of our other magnetic shielding materials. Cryogenic magnetic shields can be cylinders, end caps, boxes and other configurations just like room temperature shielding alloys (Ad-Mu-80). After the fabrication processes are complete the Cryoperm 10 magnetic shield will undergo a special annealing procedure so that the material will have its optimal magnetic shielding characteristics in a low temperature environment.

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Cryogenic Magnetic Shielding Material – CP-EXP-1184
CP-EXP-1184 is Ad-Vance Magnetics, Inc. own proprietary cryogenic magnetic shielding material. This material is a high nickel alloy that undergoes a special proprietary annealing process designed for cryogenic magnetic shielding applications and operates in temperature environments of 77°K , 4°K or below. The material is readily available in .020″, .030″, .040″ & .062″ thicknesses with sheet sizes of 24″ or 30″ wide x 120″ long.
Cryogenic Magnetic Shielding (Cryoperm 10)
Typical Physical Properties
Density (g/cm²) | 8.7 |
Thermal Expansion Coefficient (20°-200°) in 10°/K | 13.5 |
Thermal Conductivity (W/Km) | 17-19 |
Electrical Resistivity (Ω mm²/m) | 0.35 |
Curie Temperaure (℃) | 430.0 |
Cryogenic Magnetic Shielding (Cryoperm 10)
Typical Electrical Properties
Permeability at 4mA/cm (μ4) static | 60,000 |
Permeability at 4mA/cm (μ4) 50Hz | 70,000 |
Maximum Permeability (static) | 250,000 |
Maximum Permeability (50hz) | 160,000 |
Saturation Induction Gauss | 9.000 |
Coercive Force (Hc) | 0.012 |