Ad-Vance Custom Magnetic Shielding
Magnetic shielding is needed to protect critical electronic components from unwanted interference. A magnetic shield will divert the magnetic field around it in various different directions. This is similar to how a rock diverts water around it in a river or stream. The most common magnetic shielding materials are Ad-Mu-80 and Ad-Mu-48, which are high permeability and medium permeability magnetic shielding materials.
Some magnetic fields are so powerful that they will cause the magnetic shielding material to saturate, which renders the material ineffective for magnetic shielding. In this scenario it is recommended to use a high saturation material such as Ad-Mu-00 as a shield or buffer layer for the Ad-Mu-80. The Ad-Mu-00 will be placed closest towards the source of interference following by a layer of Ad-Mu-80 material. The high saturation material will protect the Ad-Mu-80 or Ad-Mu-48 material from the high fields so that it still will be an effective magnetic shield.
General industries/applications that have a need for magnetic shielding are:
- Aerospace
- Medical
- Automotive
- Military
- Biomedical
- Particle Physics
- Computers
- Oil & Gas
- Consumer
- Semiconductor
- Cryogenics
- Telecommunications
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Custom Magnetic Shields
Custom fabricated magnetic shields can be made to protect any kind of equipment in almost any configuration. Magnetic shield shapes can range from a simple box, conical or cylindrical configurations to more complex shapes and sometimes conform to inside or on top of another unit. In complex situations magnetic shields are fabricated to fit exactly and can consist of many unusual configurations. With our in house fabrication capabilities we can stamp, spin, bend, laser cut, photo etch, weld, spot weld and assemble magnetic shields to your exact specification.
Prototype & Production Runs
Ad-Vance Magnetics provides prototype runs and production runs making us you one stop job shop for magnetic shielding. With our state of the art equipment and flexibility we can offer quick turn around times on prototype parts and can handle full production runs and blanket orders that you may require ranging from simple components to complete assemblies. No quantity is to small or big for us.

PMT Shields
Selecting a magnetic shield for photomultiplier tubes is simplified because Ad-Vance Magnetics has fabricated magnetic shields for most PM tubes sizes and is tooled up for most of the PM tube sizes. It is only necessary to inform us of the PM tube manufacturer’s name associated on our PMT Shield list (located below) and the tube’s number to obtain the correct magnetic shield shape. If your tube is not listed please let us know the sizes you need for the magnetic shield to be, and we can custom fabricate this for you and most times can still use current tooling. PMT Magnetic Shields can be supplied with or without a flat black enamel coating on both the inside and outside surfaces.
Heat Treating
With Ad-Vance Magnetics approved supply chain, material and parts can be stress annealed. We can stress anneal to relieve all strains and restore the material to a soft condition suitable for further drawing, spinning or other forming operations. Forming operations such as these will cause the magnetic shielding characteristics of high permeability materials to degrade.
Annealing for optimum magnetic shielding properties should be done in a dry hydrogen atmosphere. It is necessary that this be performed in a controlled atmosphere since some materials can absorb carbon, sulphur, oxygen and other contaminants from combustion furnace gases. This process will also remove any impurities the material may contain. The annealing process should be the last step in the fabrication process when dealing with magnetic shields.
Ad-Vance Magnetics has standard heat treating procedures used on a daily basis, or can perform a specific customer heat treating procedure for that customer’s parts.